Generosity Thrives
Thank you for giving faithfully and generously. Your support, encompassing tithes, offerings, and alms, is the backbone of our ministry. Through your giving, we are able to bless our church family, local community, and global workers in many practical ways.

Other Ways to Give

Fill out and drop off a Give envelope at the Welcome Centre on Sundays or the Office, open Monday-Friday from 9:00am-5:00pm. You may also mail to our address.
In-Person or Mail
What Do I Give?
Giving over and above your tithes for a specific ministry and/or event, such as Kids, Missions, etc.
A fund aimed at practically supporting those in need as directed by our Family Life department.
The starting point - a powerful expression of worship, faith and honour. It is a recognition of God as the owner of all and the main source of every blessing.
What is the Embassy Initiative Fund?

We're Growing!
Our church is growing, and a growing church needs expansions to hold it! By giving to the Embassy Initiative Fund, you are helping the church upgrade various areas within the building. From interior design to sound production and facilities, you can help make our church a home for more.